New Report: Scottish Government urged to meet climate challenge head on and seize opportunities of a net zero economy

  • Urgent set of actions required from Scottish Government to ramp up progress in tackling the climate emergency through measures that have fairness and equality at their heart.
  • CERG calls for this year’s Programme for Government to reflect a fully coordinated Scottish Government response to the climate emergency to meet ambitious 2030 climate targets.
  • Robust policy, unwavering timeframes and clear regulations are essential to secure the investment and confidence required to grow a strong, green, wellbeing economy.

The Climate Emergency Response Group (CERG) has today (30 August 2023) launched a report outlining a set of actions the Scottish Government must take now to remove barriers to progress in simultaneously tackling the climate and cost of living crises. The group urges the First Minister to show steadfast leadership and act swiftly on the government’s strong commitment to deliver a just transition to a net zero, climate resilient economy.

With climate records being broken on land and sea, extreme weather conditions causing devastating consequences on communities around the world, the impacts of climate change are already exceeding the predictions of climate scientists.

Stefanie O’Gorman, Director, Sustainable Economics, Ramboll, and steering group member of CERG commented: “The rapid scale up of action must start now. Every delay increases the social, economic, and environmental costs of the just transition to net zero, as well as costs of adapting to climate impacts like increasing severity of storm events and overheating of buildings and floods.”

Morag Watson, Director of Policy, Scottish Renewables and steering group member of CERG added: “A stable and consistent policy and regulatory environment and a clear commitment to delivering net zero and climate resilience are essential to build investor confidence and a willingness on the part of businesses to act. We see action on CERG’s proposals as a litmus test for the government’s commitment to early engagement with business.

Alex Irwin, Trustee, 2050 Group and steering group member of CERG added: “We need a planned, investment-led pathway that will lead to a fair and equitable distribution of costs and benefits across society. These proposals show how a just transition can be achieved with benefits for all ages and backgrounds – such as affordable transport, energy security, climate resilient buildings and best value for public spending on infrastructure.”

CERG’s new report, entitled: Committing to delivery: Certainty and leadership for a just transition to a net zero, climate resilient future for Scotland’, focuses on the following four areas:

  • Introduce a Net Zero Test to inform all policy and investment decisions.
  • Enable local authorities to unlock the finance needed to drive action on climate change mitigation and action.
  • Introduce fiscal levers as part of a coherent strategy to reduce car reliance and improve places for people.
  • Create the right environment for commercial building sector commitment to a large-scale retrofit and heat decarbonisation pilot in every Scottish city.

CERG believes the swift delivery of these recommendations by the Scottish Government, which are underpinned by a strong emphasis on finance, will deliver a significant step change in Scotland’s response to the climate emergency. Meaningful action against these recommendations is essential for Scotland to meet its ambitious climate targets of 75% emissions reduction by 2030 and achieving net zero by 2045, coupled with providing businesses, investors, and citizens the clarity they need so they can take meaningful action too.

CERG is a group of like-minded leaders spanning Scotland’s private, public and third sectors, delivery organisations, and membership bodies, and it hopes its recommendations will help to inform the Scottish Government’s upcoming Programme for Government, which sets out the actions to be taken in the coming year and the legislative programme for the next parliamentary year.

For more information on this release please contact The Cunningly Good Group on 01738 658187.

The Cunningly Good Group is one of Scotland’s leading independent marketing agencies.

The Perth based multi-award winning marketing agency offers clients a strategic one stop shop, spanning the full marketing discipline, including marketing strategy, communications and public relations, graphic design and website development. The blended agency, founded by entrepreneur Tricia Fox in 2002, has worked with some of Scotland’s best known brands including The Enchanted Forest, Scone Palace and HMS Unicorn.

The Cunningly Good Group is one of only three other communications agencies in Scotland to have achieved the Communications Management Standard (CMS) accreditation, as awarded by the  industry’s professional body, the Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) for companies that demonstrate operational excellence.